Neovet (Generic Advocate)

NEOVET for cats is a topical flea, heatworm & worms treatment. Neovet for cats is generic Advocate that uses the identical ingredients as Advocate for dogs. Neovet treats for Fleas, Flea Larvae, Heartworm, Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworm, Intestinal Worm Larvae, Sarcoptic Mange, Ear Mites and Lice.

Neovet for Cats Information

  • Each tube treats 1 cat for 1 month
  • 6 pack will treat one cat for 6 months
  • Generic Advocate
  • Can be used on kittens from 6 weeks of age
  • Australian Approved packs are marked in kgs
  • Treats Fleas, Flea Larvae, Heartworm, Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworm, Intestinal Worm Larvae, Sarcoptic Mange, Ear Mites and Lice
  • Stops fleas feeding in 3-5 minutes